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Старый 04.07.2017, 16:01   #1  
Morpheus is offline
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How to save SSRS report in .doc format by means of X++ (Dynamics AX 2012)?
The SSRS report viewer allows users to save the report as *.doc file. Unfortunately the enumeration SRSReportFileFormat does not contain any entry related to .doc format. It means that it is impossible to save the SSRS report in .doc format in Dynamics AX 2012 by standard means of SRS framework. So I would like to address this issue in the article.

The report viewer interacts with SSRS by means of a web service. To fulfil our task we should do the same...

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Последний раз редактировалось Morpheus; 04.07.2017 в 16:14.

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