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emeadaxsupport: Crash and Hang analysis on LCS

Starting with the March release we've introduced a new feature in LCS for Crash and Hang analysis. Currently the feature is in the Beta phase, so it will need to be activated from the "Preview feature management" menu - "Public preview features" - "Crash and Hang Analysis".

After you activate the feature, it will appear as a tab in the System diagnostic tool.

To use this tool, collect a process dump file (.DMP), ZIP it and upload it onto the server using the steps below.

It will take between 30 minutes and two hours for the file to be processed on our servers. The result is an HTML report that contains details about the crash such as crash signature, AX kernel information, list of known issues, list of active sessions, X++ and native call stacks for all threads.

The search for known issues is done based on the names of the functions from the faulting call stack. For instance, if the call stack of the crashing thread contains the method 'Ax32Serv!SqlConnectBase::removeStmt', the report will look for hot-fixes that patch this method, such as KB 3017292, and provide a link to the Issue Search tool on LCS.

Steps to Upload

1. From the tool's main page, press Add to create a new job

2. Provide a name and an optional description for the analysis job

3. Press Add files

4. Select .ZIP file containing one or more .DMP files and press Upload

5. Press Analyze dumps

6. Confirm start of analysis

7. Wait until processing completes. This can take between half and hour and two hours depending on the complexity of the dump files.

8. After the job is marked as Completed, an HTML report is available. If you can't see it, refresh the web page.

9. Open the report by pressing the icon in the View column

In this report you can see information about:

  • AX kernel version
  • Relevant hot-fixes
  • Faulting call stack
  • X++ and native call stacks for all threads

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aos crash, crash, crash analysis, crash dump, hang analysis, lcs, lifecycle services, stack trace, полезное


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