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Старый 27.01.2015, 12:11   #1  
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DynamicsAxSCM: New white papers for TMS

We would like to inform you that two new white papers for TMS are made available today.

Transportation management engines

The Transportation management system (TMS) module includes a number of extension points called engines that let you implement custom algorithms to perform tasks that are related to the rating of transport and freight reconciliation. The purpose of this document is to describe all transportation management engines available in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3. The document is intended for implementation consultants and users who want to analyze the transportation situation at a company and perform the setup that is required in order to use the TMS engines in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3. It explains the architectural background of the engines and the relation between the different types of engines. It also describes the initialization and metadata configuration that is needed.

You can download it from PartnerSource or CustomerSource.

Outbound transportation planning and execution

This white paper includes a demonstration script for a typical order-to-cash flow that includes outbound transportation planning and execution, and advanced warehouse management operation, as part of the order fulfillment process.

You can download it from PartnerSource or CustomerSource.

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