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Старый 20.05.2014, 16:11   #1  
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atinkerersnotebook: Use Pricing Models Within Configured Products To Calculate Prices Without A BOM

Originally posted on Dynamics AX Tip Of The Day:

The Product Configurator within Dynamics AX is very cool and is a great way to capture options during the sales and quoting process. You don’t have to go whole hog with it though and have it build BOM’s and Routes in order to have it help you during the sales cycle in quoting prices though. The Product Configurator has a built in Price Modeler feature that allows you to design a price build up based on your configuration attributes, and then calculate prices dynamically as you are placing your orders.

You will now be able to rest easy that all of the costs have been taken into account when you price out jobs.

View original 558 more words

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