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Khue Trinh: Be careful with Inventory journal
Источник: http://khue.spaces.live.com/Blog/cns...A0C2!328.entry
============== In Dynamics AX, you can use inventory transactions for various of purposes. When you create an inventory transaction with cost price and cost amount: - Receipt: AX will allow you to input directly the cost price of item. - Issue: AX will automatically update the cost price of the item in a specified warehouse. The funny things (when you are running actual costing methode): In the Issue journal form (inventory movement), AX will take the cost price of the Item Master to fill in the cost price field. But during the posting, AX may update the cost price with another value (base on the Warehouse, Location, ...). This is correct. But user may be confused when the cost price on journal form is different from the actual inventory transaction. So... let's say you have Item ABC. And you are running AX without Manufacturing module.
After that, when you try to make another inventory transaction to receipt item ABC into warehouse WH1 again by adding packing cost (3USD for example). You have to enter the cost price of item ABC is 45+3 (not 50+3). Try this by yourself and I am willing to have a discussion out here... Thank you. ![]() ![]() Источник: http://khue.spaces.live.com/Blog/cns...A0C2!328.entry
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