Starting a beta stage of the new Tabax version (
What's new since 0.2.x:
- Works with Ax 4 (icons are in tabax.ax4 they should be copied to "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\Client\Share\Include\tabax")
- User interface can be localized (it is translated already to Russian and Spanish (the last by Manel Querol (Mkz) from http://www.TrucosAx.com))
- windows management (enable "fit maчimized" in setup and your window maximization will be emulated with fitting)
- tab width setup (maximal width, minial width and "Tabs have same size")
- Plugin SDK (it's only first small step)
- Ivan Kashperuk added the "Open table field" functionality to the "Edit current field" buttonAutosize: tabax don't let to change it's size