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Старый 26.01.2007, 00:52   #1  
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Dynamics AX: Dynamics AX 4.0 Installation & Configuration [I passed!]
Well I would like to thank my Creator, [YHWH] and Jesus / Yeshua Christ for giving me the ability to pass the Dynamics AX 4.0 Installations & Configuration exam this morning.

This is the fist DAX 4.0 exam I have taken and I would rank it as a 6.5 out of 10 for being hard. The reason it is not higher, is because the exam pulls from the course ware found on Partner Source. Of course I would recommend actually have worked with DAX 4.0, and installed it a few times, but the Course ware walks you through all of that.

So that means that I can now adorn the title:

Microsoft Certified Business Management Solutions Specialist, MCBMSS
Dynamics AX 4.0 Installation & Configuration (v 4.0)

Man that is a mouth full... either way, a little celebration is in order, then off to focus on more work, and more certs!

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