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Старый 25.12.2018, 14:11   #1  
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palleagermark: New book about Dynamics AX 2012 / Dynamics 365 FO performance

Rod Willumsen has written a very fine book, Advanced X++/SQL Tuning Techniques, covering a lot ground about performance with Dynamics AX 2012 and Dynamics 365 FO.

The book starts out with a few chapters about various SQL subjects seen from AX/365 FO point of view.

Secondly it walks you through installation of the Performance Analyzer and of how to analyze the results collected by the analyzer.

Collecting traces and analyzing them with the trace parser, both for AX 2012 and D365, is covered in depth too.

You'll also find information about data archiving and data clean up techniques, as well as information about how to deal with very specific issues, like InventDim and InventSum tables, and master planning.

These are the chapters of the book:
  • X++ and SQL
  • Performance killers
  • Improving poor X++ query performance
  • Further query improvements
  • Performance analyzer for Dynamics
  • Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Trace Parser
  • D365FO Application Trace Parser
  • Top D365FO performance issues and solutions
DBAs, system administrators and developers as well should be able to pick up useful information and tools from this book.

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Старый 26.12.2018, 11:07   #2  
skuull is offline
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Ещё одна книга которую не стоит читать (:
Старый 26.12.2018, 11:08   #3  
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Ещё одна книга которую не стоит читать (:
Это почему ?
Старый 26.12.2018, 11:34   #4  
skuull is offline
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Это почему ?
Там нет ничего полезного, копипаст с разных мест в основном и 90 % про 2012 что немного не актуально, но это все IMHO конечно, возможно кто-то откроется для себя что-то новое в пошаговой установке DynaPerf или откроет для себя существование DMV в SQL.

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