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Старый 04.07.2017, 16:03   #1  
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How to save SSRS report in PDF/A format (Dynamics AX 2012)?
PDF/A format was designed to allow storing digital documents in archive. Files stored in the PDF/A format contain all necessary stuff like fonts to be rendered on any device and operating system a lot years later after being saved. At the moment SSRS does not support saving reports in PDF/A format despite the corresponding request was created on Microsoft Connect in the beginning of 2011.

And it is not a big deal because Microsoft Office Word can save *.doc and *.docx files in PDF/A format very good. Thus all we need to store SSRS report as *.doc file and afterwards to convert it into PDF/A format with help of Word. The only disadvantage that the Office Automation is not supposed to be used on the server side. It means that it is quite tricky to configure the execution environment in order to call Word application from Dynamics AX on server side and in batch process. The example presented here supposes to be executed on the client side.

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Последний раз редактировалось Morpheus; 04.07.2017 в 16:14.

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