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Старый 13.11.2004, 20:25   #1  
mazzy is offline
Аватар для mazzy
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29,472 / 4494 (208) ++++++++++
Регистрация: 29.11.2001
Адрес: Москва
Записей в блоге: 10
The Application Benchmark Tool has been developed to measure the performance of a Navision installation, and to express the results in terms that mirror real world situations.Ideally, these results should relate directly to the terms of a requirement specification from a customer. The tool can be used when you are running Navision on either Navision Database Server or on SQL Server. The tool puts a realistic load on the server in order to monitor the true performance of Navision.

The Application Benchmark Tool version 1.00 is developed for Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision W1 4.0 and Microsoft Navision W1 3.70A.

The tool should only be used in a test environment.

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