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Старый 22.01.2007, 17:50   #1  
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mfp: ERP Crash Course

Do you want to know what ERP systems are -- how they are used and programmed? Then you may want to sign up for this crash course!
Since you are reading my blog, you are probably well educated in ERP systems, if not, continue reading...
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are integrated information systems that support and enable the work processes performed in modern companies. Such processes include purchasing, selling, invoicing, production and many more processes, often specialized depending on industry and ultimately customized for the individual company. ERP systems keep track of large amounts of information on business transactions, inventory, suppliers, employees, customers, etc., and provide functionality for aggregating and analyzing this information for management, reporting and controlling purposes. Nowadays they are the backbone of large and medium-sized enterprises -- omnipresent, yet unnoticed by the casual observer.
I'll be giving a talk on Microsoft Dynamics AX architecture as part of the course.
Date/time: January 30th, 9:00-16:30 and January 31st, 2007, 9:00-15:00
Location: DIKU (, Little Auditorium
More information and registration:


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