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Старый 19.05.2006, 12:35   #1  
paucer is offline
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Адрес: Kaunas
Update problem in Enterprise Portal
sometimes we experience such weird behaviour in EP:
when user updates one or more records in webform the record is being assigned wrong values : usually these values are from other record of the same table.
we can't catch whe and when it hapends, because it occurs very rarely.
It seems that bussiness connector acts incorrectly when updating.
Is it possible that some previously processed record 'sits' somewere in the cache and during update values from it are retrieved?
Is this because of curosrs used in Axapta? Maybe the cursor points to some old record and during kupdate sets values from that old record?
Is this business con. problem? Or should I look for problem in Axapta( e.g. in update procedures of the corresponding table)?
Maybe hot fix is availabel for bussiness. connector from microsoft?
thanx in advance


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