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dynamicsaxtraining: Display product attributes

The addon allows to add any attribute as a column on the grid view of a form. By default more than 70 forms from different modules support this featrue.
Released products form

Let’s open the Release products form. There is a new Attributes button:

It allows to add any attributes to the grid.

For example, select the “Headphones” category from the “Contoso on-line hierarchy” and apply “Bluetooth” and “Cord length” to the selection.

Bluetooth and Cord length columns have been added to the grid. The columns are filterable, sortable and the grid can be exported to Excel.

The display attributes feature can be used in connection with the filter functionality. When selecting the Headphones category the form has the following view:

Export attributes to Excel

When attributes are shown on the grid it is possible to export the values in the normal export to Excel function

The file contains selected attributes:


There are 2 available ways to save attribute filters and columns. This is controlled by the setup in the Product attribute extension parameters form.

Personalization level has the possible values listed below.

Personalization per form

The Per form value uses the usage data to save each user’s last selection of display attributes. This means that whenever the form is opened the last selection of attributes is shown. This selection is useful when a generic selection of attributes across item types should be visible.

Personalization per form category

The Per form category personalization will save the selection per category.

This means that when selecting a category in a hierarchy will show the last selection of attributes to display for that category.

Below an example of automatic attribute display when i.e. “Headphones” is selected

When selecting another category then the last selection of attributes displayed for that category will automatically be shown

Sharing personalization with other users

Personalization is saved in the users usage data. This data is normally not accessible to other users, but a new Share attribute extension personalization functionality has been made to allow sharing the usage data between users.

Select necessary users and lick Ok. Only usage data that is related to the Product attribute search add-on will be shared.

Saved views

The Display attribute feature supports integration with the Saved views feature. Select the Save in Personalization view parameter to enable it.

Once the parameter is enabled all attribute filters and display changes will change the saved view:

The saved view can be saved, then shared with other users or pin ad default for this form.


The Product Attribute Search implements the no code configuration approach. It means that attribute filters and/or attribute columns can be added to any form (standard or custom) via UI configuration without development.

From technical point of view there are no form’s extensions in the model. All display attributes are created during runtime. There is a generic engine that adds display attributes to the form based on configurations.

Product attributes extension parameters > Display attributes > Advanced button.

The Grid selection controls where in the form the attributes should be inserted. On example above the attributes will be added to the grid after the BOM_ItemId column.

The Button selection controls where the Display attributes button should be shown on the form. On example above the button will be added to the BOMButtonGroup button group after the InventDimParmFixed button.

The Query selection controls what field contains the item id or product id value.

User can add a new custom or standard form to the configuration.

The post Display product attributes first appeared on Dynamics AX Training.

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