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Старый 17.06.2010, 02:08   #1  
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Dynamics AX Sustained Engineering: Form 27A printing issues when printing to .pdf file format

This post describes solutions to issues with Form 27A when printed to .pdf file format.

1. First problem : Lines in PDF printout are overlapping

Solution: Here in PDF Text is bounded by lines to make Text Boxes. To resolve this issue change the property (LineRight #Solid) of Text written in Left

(Eg. Text:Name_2) to (LineRight #None) and for the Text written in Right(Eg. Text:Name_2_1), change the property (LineLeft #Solid) to (LineLeft #None).Put one new control as Shape in Design of Report of having height of total text box length.Example of Properties for the Text Box:Left #50.00mmTop #54.00mmWidth #AutoHeight #48.00mm2. Second Issue : PDF left margin is not lined up properly.Solution: To resolve this issue change the values of Text property(LeftMargin) to align the report. Text:Name of Permises_2 Left Margin property should be set to 1.00mm.3. Third Issue : Text does not fit in the area of Text Box.Solution: To resolve this issue change the value of Text properties(Left, Width, FontSize).Example of Properties of the text:Left 56.00mmWidth 47.50charFontSize 74. Fourth Issue : Text is overlapping in the Control Totals section.

Solution: To resolve this issue change the value of Text property(Left, Width) and for Text(Alignment).



Left 64.00mm

Width 30.00char


Alignment Left

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