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Старый 08.07.2009, 03:14   #1  
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Microsoft Dynamics CRM Team Blog: RELEASE - White Paper v2: Optimizing and Maintaining Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0

The MS CRM E2 team is pleased to announce the release of the version 2.0 update of the white paper Optimizing and Maintaining Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0, which is available from Microsoft Downloads at

Working with resources from Microsoft Premier Field Engineering, Microsoft SQL Server, UK MCS, and CRM Performance and UA teams, this update reflects the latest information available to assist readers with optimizing and maintaining the performance of Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 implementations.

The following list provides a summary of the changes included with this version 2.0 update:

  • Updated hardware requirements for:
    • Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0
    • Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 for Outlook
  • Categorized references/links to external content to by product version where appropriate (e.g. Windows Server 2003 and Windows Server 2008), and provided additional references where available
  • In the section Optimizing and Maintaining Internet Information Services, added the topic Optimizing the Performance of Integrated Windows Authentication and Kerberos Authentication
  • In the section Optimizing the Performance of Microsoft Dynamics CRM:
  • In the topic Enhancing Performance by Distributing Server Roles, added the sub-topic Considerations for Distributing Server Roles
  • In the topic Optimizing the Performance of Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 Applications, in the sub-topic Optimizing the Performance of Microsoft Dynamics CRM Customizations, supplemented the information on disabling auto-complete on lookups with procedural information
    • In the section Optimizing Workflow, added multiple best practices.
    • In the section Optimizing and Maintaining Microsoft SQL Server and the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Database:
  • Added note about and reference to whitepaper Improving Microsoft Dynamics CRM Performance and Securing Data with Microsoft SQL Server 2008
  • In the topic Optimizing and Maintaining Query Performance, added the sub-topic Enhancing the Performance of the Display of Query Results
  • In the topic Optimizing and Maintaining the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Database, added the sub-topic Implementing Solid State Drive Technology
    • Added Appendix B: CRM Performance Counters; created Appendix C: CRM E-mail Router Performance Counters for previously published Appendix B content; added Appendix D: Summary of Changes in v2.0 Update

Jim Toland

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