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Старый 02.07.2009, 14:05   #1  
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palleagermark: Troubleshooting missing EP Development Tools

If you cant see the Dynamics AX Web Project template in Visual Studio, please go through the following list:
  1. Read the blog article "EP Visual Studio Add-In" to check if all components are correctly installed.
    As you can read in the article you must copy the installed templates from the My Documents folder of the user who installed the EP Developer Tools. The files and locations are listed in the article.
  2. You may need to refresh Visual Studios cache of templates after copying them:Open the Visual Studio command prompt (Start \ Programs \ Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 \ Visual Studio Tools \ Visual Studio 2008 Command Prompt) and type devenv /installvstemplates.
  3. If you still don't see the template, remember that you need to select C# as your project programming language before it shows up.
If you can see the template but can't connect to the AX AOS from Visual Studio check the following:

  1. Check that .NET Business Connector has been correctly installed and that the configuration points to the correct AOS instance.
    Check that the user you run Visual Studio with, has login and proper development permissions in AX.
  2. Check that the "Dynamics AX Enterprise Portal Tools" Add-in is correctly installed in Visual Studio. Open Visual Studio / Tools / Add-in Manager to verify that Add-in is correctly installed and configured. If you can't see it, you must reinstall the EP Development Tools.

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