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Старый 10.03.2009, 08:53   #1  
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Kirill Tatarinov: Microsoft's Russian rocket

Kirill Tatarinov: Microsoft's Russian rocket
The head of Microsoft Business Solutions is out to fashion acquisitions and partnerships into the leading force in management software.

Even with somewhere north of $1 billion in annual sales, Microsoft Business Solutions is dwarfed by the enormous Office business that it shares space with in the company's quarterly reports.

But Kirill Tatarinov, the group's leader since July 2007, said MBS brings more to the broader Microsoft than revenue from its Dynamics-branded systems, which manage a company's customer relationships, suppliers, inventory and other business basics.

It provides a "proof point to business decision makers" using the whole set of Microsoft server technologies, Tatarinov said. The Dynamics products "take advantage of all the innovation that's happening" on Windows Server, Visual Studio, Office and other major products Microsoft sells to businesses.

The software-industry veteran, a Russian immigrant who pursues ski racing in his spare time, is unequivocal about his goal for MBS, which competes in a fragmented market selling business applications to small and midsize organizations.

"We wouldn't be in this business if we didn't have aspirations to be No. 1," he said in an interview ahead of a major sales conference in New Orleans this week.

Success would make good on two of the biggest acquisitions in Microsoft's history and challenge major competitors in the business-software space, including Oracle and SAP, as well as the more focused enterprise resource planning (ERP) players Lawson, Infor and Sage Group.

The broad ERP category includes software that coordinates suppliers, tracks inventory, handles billing and other basic financial management. Microsoft is also in the customer relationship management, or CRM, software business, which is sometimes categorized as a segment of ERP.

Microsoft Business Solutions is atypical within the software giant in that it is spread geographically among three locations, a result of its formation through acquisition. There's Great Plains in Fargo, N.D., acquired for $1.1 billion in 2001, and Navision, a Danish company purchased in 2002 for $1.3 billion. The third location is Microsoft's new Advanta Office Commons, three leased buildings in Bellevue's Eastgate area.

Better integrating the products and the teams with each other and within the broader company was a substantial challenge facing Tatarinov when he took the job.

He also had to step out of the shadow cast by Doug Burgum, founder of Great Plains, leader of the Navision acquisition and a major presence in the evolution of Microsoft Business Solutions until he left the company in June 2007.

After Burgum's departure, Satya Nadella got the top job at MBS in fall 2006, but was abruptly moved to lead Microsoft's Internet search business seven months later.

The leadership turnover was unsettling for many of the partner companies that act as middlemen between Microsoft and the companies that use the Dynamics software, providing sales and service.

"It left kind of a big hole in the Dynamics world as far as uncertainty," said Andy Vabulas, chief executive of Interactive Business Information Systems, a top Microsoft partner in Norcross, Ga. "Suddenly, Kirill Tatarinov gets in there and nobody knows him."
Старый 10.03.2009, 10:53   #2  
mazzy is offline
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а есть у кого-нибудь силы и возможности на русский перевести хотя бы основноую мысль?
полезное на axForum, github, vk, coub.
Старый 10.03.2009, 10:56   #3  
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Interactive Business Information Systems: "Кто такой этот Кирилл Татаринов?!"
Кирилл Татаринов: "Кто такие эти Interactive Business Systems?!"
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Старый 10.03.2009, 11:08   #4  
Maxim Gorbunov is offline
Maxim Gorbunov
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а есть у кого-нибудь силы и возможности на русский перевести хотя бы основноую мысль?
Да обычная статья в деловую периодику без какой-либо основной мысли. Основные тезисы:
  • Несмотря на бурный рост, Microsoft Business Solutions серьезно отстает в генерации прибыли от других подразделений MS.
  • Microsoft Business Solutions, в отличие от других линий бизнеса, вынужден справляться с территориальной удаленностью трех подразделений: бывший Great Plains в Фарго, Северная Дакота, бывший Navision в Дании и новые офисы в Advanta Office Commons в Беллвью, Вашингтон.
  • Кирилл Татаринов пришел всерьез и надолго. Одна из его основных задач - скоординировать действия трех территориально удаленных команд и лучше интегрировать продукты Microsoft Business Solutions.
  • Еще одна задача Татаринова - выйти из тени Дага Бургума, который до сих пор ассоциируется с прогрессом подразделения в период до 2007 года. Партнеры Майкрософт скептически воспринимают частые смены руководителей Microsoft Business Solutions в последнее время.
Примерно так.
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За это сообщение автора поблагодарили: mazzy (2).
Старый 10.03.2009, 18:07   #5  
mazzy is offline
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еще интервью с самим Кириллом Татариновым
полезное на axForum, github, vk, coub.
Старый 10.03.2009, 18:42   #6  
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Еще одно видео, для коллекции на досье Кирилла Татаринова
Рассказывает как все круто с Аксаптой, субтитры на русском.

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