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Старый 09.01.2019, 22:08   #1  
Ion is offline
332 / 16 (1) ++
Регистрация: 19.12.2012
D365: Field Service Schedule Board

Всех с Новым Годом!

Начался он с тасок по филд сервису, штука интересная, но как всегда есть ньюансы.

Надо быдо добавить одно поле Hourly Rate в карточку на Schedule Board - добавил, изменил высоту колонки, но в вертикальному режиме размер какой-то дефолтный, как его изменить - мне не ясно.

горизонтально режиме все ок. Поле есть

В вертикальном режиме - что-то не так

Последний раз редактировалось Ion; 09.01.2019 в 22:22.
Старый 10.01.2019, 00:42   #2  
a33ik is offline
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Регистрация: 02.07.2008
Адрес: Greenville, SC
Никогда не занимался кастомизацией этой части. Распишите, что сделали, посмотрю у себя, может что подскажу.
Эмо разработчик, сначала пишу код, потом плачу над его несовершенством.

Подписывайтесь на мой блог, twitter и YouTube канал.
Пользуйтесь моим Ultimate Workflow Toolkit
Старый 10.01.2019, 18:26   #3  
Ion is offline
332 / 16 (1) ++
Регистрация: 19.12.2012
Добавил новое поле в запрос для Retrieve Resources Query
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<bag xmlns:ufx="">
  <Resources ufx:source="fetch">
    <fetch mapping="logical" aggregate="true">
      <entity name="bookableresource">
        <attribute name="bookableresourceid" alias="bookableresourceid" groupby="true"/>
        <attribute name="name" alias="name" groupby="true"/>
        <attribute name="calendarid" alias="calendarid" groupby="true"/>
        <attribute name="resourcetype" alias="resourcetype" groupby="true"/>
        <attribute name="msdyn_startlocation" alias="startlocation" groupby="true"/>
        <attribute name="msdyn_hourlyrate" alias="hourlyrate" groupby="true"/>
        <!-- Let the database sort by name, unless we have characteristics - in which case we'll sort by the count of characteristics -->
        <order ufx:if="not($input/Characteristics/bag/characteristic)" alias="name" />
        <!-- Characteristic join -->
        <link-entity name="bookableresourcecharacteristic" from="resource" to="bookableresourceid" link-type="inner" ufx:if="$input/Characteristics/bag/characteristic">
          <attribute name="characteristic" aggregate="countcolumn" alias="characteristiccount" distinct="true" />
          <order alias="characteristiccount" descending="true" />

          <link-entity name="ratingvalue" from="ratingvalueid" to="ratingvalue" link-type="outer">
            <attribute name="value" aggregate="sum" alias="proficiencyscore" distinct="true" />
            <order alias="proficiencyscore" descending="true" />

            <condition attribute="statecode" operator="eq" value="0" />

        <!-- Characteristic filter -->
        <filter type="or" ufx:if="$input/Characteristics/bag/characteristic">
          <ufx:apply select="$input/Characteristics/bag">
            <filter type="and">
              <condition entityname="bookableresourcecharacteristic" attribute="characteristic" operator="eq">
                <ufx:value select="characteristic" attribute="value" />
              <condition entityname="ratingvalue" attribute="value" operator="ge" ufx:if="ratingvalue">
                <ufx:value select="ratingvalue" attribute="value" />

        <!-- Category join -->
        <link-entity name="bookableresourcecategoryassn" from="resource" to="bookableresourceid" link-type="inner" ufx:if="$input/Roles/bag">
          <attribute name="resourcecategory" aggregate="countcolumn" alias="rolecount" distinct="true" />

            <condition attribute="statecode" operator="eq" value="0" />
            <condition operator="in" attribute="resourcecategory">
              <ufx:apply select="$input/Roles/bag">
                  <ufx:value select="@ufx-id" />

        <!-- Territory join -->
        <link-entity ufx:if="$input/Territories/bag | $input/UnspecifiedTerritory[. = 'true']" name="msdyn_resourceterritory" from="msdyn_resource" to="bookableresourceid" alias="territory" link-type="outer">
            <condition attribute="statecode" operator="eq" value="0" />
            <condition attribute="msdyn_territory" operator="not-null" />
        <!-- Territory filter --> 
        <filter type="or">
          <condition ufx:if="$input/UnspecifiedTerritory[. = 'true']" entityname="territory" attribute="msdyn_territory" operator="null" />

          <condition ufx:if="$input/Territories/bag" entityname="territory" attribute="msdyn_territory" operator="in">
            <ufx:apply select="$input/Territories/bag">
                <ufx:value select="@ufx-id" />

        <filter type="and">
          <condition attribute="statecode" operator="eq" value="0" />

          <!-- Preferred resource filter -->
          <condition ufx:if="$input/PreferredResources/bag" attribute="bookableresourceid" operator="in">
            <ufx:apply select="$input/PreferredResources/bag">
                <ufx:value select="@ufx-id" />

          <!-- Restricted resource filter -->
          <condition ufx:if="$input/RestrictedResources/bag" attribute="bookableresourceid" operator="not-in">
            <ufx:apply select="$input/RestrictedResources/bag">
                <ufx:value select="@ufx-id" />

          <!-- DisplayOnScheduleBoard and DisplayOnScheduleAssistant filter -->
          <condition attribute="msdyn_displayonscheduleboard" operator="eq" value="1" ufx:if="$input/DisplayOnScheduleBoard[. = 'true']" />
          <condition attribute="msdyn_displayonscheduleassistant" operator="eq" value="1" ufx:if="$input/DisplayOnScheduleAssistant[. = 'true']" />

          <!-- Organizational unit filter -->
          <condition operator="in" attribute="msdyn_organizationalunit" ufx:if="$input/OrganizationalUnits/bag">
            <ufx:apply select="$input/OrganizationalUnits/bag">
                <ufx:value select="@ufx-id" />

          <!-- Resource type filter -->
          <condition attribute="resourcetype" operator="in" ufx:if="$input/ResourceTypes/bag/option">
            <ufx:apply select="$input/ResourceTypes/bag/option">
                <ufx:value select="." />
        <link-entity name="systemuser" from="systemuserid" to="userid" link-type="outer">
          <!-- If Business Units or Teams are supplied, assume only users are to be returned -->
          <ufx:value ufx:if="$input/BusinessUnits/bag | $input/Teams/bag" select="'inner'" attribute="link-type" />

          <attribute name="systemuserid" alias="systemuserid" groupby="true" />
          <attribute name="entityimage_url" alias="userimagepath" groupby="true"/>
          <!-- User and Teams filter -->
          <link-entity name="teammembership" from="systemuserid" to="systemuserid" link-type="inner" ufx:if="$input/Teams/bag">
            <filter type="and" >
              <condition operator="in" attribute="teamid">
                <ufx:apply select="$input/Teams/bag">
                    <ufx:value select="@ufx-id" />

          <!-- User Businessunits filter -->
          <filter type="and" ufx:if="$input/BusinessUnits/bag">
            <condition operator="in" attribute="businessunitid">
              <ufx:apply select="$input/BusinessUnits/bag">
                  <ufx:value select="@ufx-id" />

        <link-entity name="contact" from="contactid" to="contactid" link-type="outer">
          <attribute name="contactid" alias="contactid" groupby="true"/>
          <attribute name="entityimage_url" alias="contactimagepath" groupby="true"/>
        <link-entity name="account" from="accountid" to="accountid" link-type="outer">
          <attribute name="accountid" alias="accountid" groupby="true"/>
          <attribute name="entityimage_url" alias="accountimagepath" groupby="true"/>

      <imagepath ufx:select="accountimagepath | contactimagepath | userimagepath" />

      <accountimagepath ufx:select="$null" />
      <contactimagepath ufx:select="$null" />
      <userimagepath ufx:select="$null" />
  <Resources ufx:if="$input/Characteristics/bag/characteristic" ufx:select="list(Resources/bag[characteristiccount = count($input/Characteristics/bag/characteristic)])" />
  <Resources ufx:select="order(Resources, iif($input/Orders/bag, $input/Orders, 'name'))" />

Изменил Resource Call Template

<div class='resource-card-wrapper {{iif ResourceCellSelected "resource-cell-selected" ""}} {{iif ResourceUnavailable "resource-unavailable" ""}} {{iif IsMatchingAvailability "availability-match" ""}}'>

    {{#if imagepath}}

    <img class='resource-image' src='{{client-url}}{{imagepath}}' />


    <div class='resource-image unknown-resource'></div>


    <div class='resource-info'>

        <div class='resource-name primary-text ellipsis' title='{{name}}'>{{name}}</div>

        <div class='secondary-text ellipsis'>

            {{#if (eq (is-sa-grid-view) false) }}

            <div class='booked-duration'>{{BookedDuration}}<div class='fo-sch-clock'></div></div>

            <div class='booked-percentage'>{{BookedPercentage}}%</div>



	    <div class='booked-duration'>Hourly Rate: {{hourlyrate}}</div>
        {{#if (eq (is-sa-grid-view) false) }}

        <div class='matching-indicator'></div>



    {{#if (eq (is-sa-grid-view) false) }}

    {{> resource-map-pin-template this }}


И выставил высоту в 60px
Старый 11.01.2019, 10:12   #4  
Ion is offline
332 / 16 (1) ++
Регистрация: 19.12.2012
Это сделано by design. Ответил в тикете майкрософт

Последний раз редактировалось Ion; 11.01.2019 в 11:09.

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