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Старый 18.07.2008, 23:38   #1  
mazzy is offline
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29,472 / 4494 (208) ++++++++++
Регистрация: 29.11.2001
Адрес: Москва
Записей в блоге: 10
Full Fiscal Year: MBD revenue increased reflecting growth in licensing of the 2007 Microsoft Office system and included a favorable impact from foreign currency exchange rates of $724 million or four percentage points. Business revenue increased $2.6 billion or 21%, primarily as a result of growth in volume licensing agreement revenue and strong transactional license sales to businesses. The increase in business revenue also included a 21% increase in Microsoft Dynamics customer billings. Consumer revenue decreased $80 million or 2%, reflecting the consumer launch of the 2007 Microsoft Office system in the prior fiscal year.

MBD operating income increased reflecting growth in revenue, partially offset by increased sales and marketing expenses, research and development expenses, and cost of revenue. Sales and marketing expenses increased $462 million or 13%, reflecting increased expenses associated with our corporate sales force. Research and development expenses increased $228 million or 18%, primarily driven by an increase in headcount-related expenses and a $35 million in-process research and development expense related to FAST. Cost of revenue increased $225 million or 29%, primarily driven by an increase in online services infrastructure costs and product costs related to retail packaged product sales. Headcount-related costs increased 10%, driven by an increase in headcount during the year.

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