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Старый 03.12.2010, 01:13   #1  
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daxdilip: Troubleshooting - AOS Restart

In Dynamics AX 2009, I modified an existing table to add 2 new fields, as usual I did a db synch on that table so that the table definition is updated.

Came back to my program which is a class which populates this table. Somehow, the values were not getting populated in these 2 new fields. Whatever, I tried but the program (my class) simply doesn't update my two new fields. Even, I went to the extent of hard coding these field values, but still it doesn't put any values in the table for those two new fields. Went into debugger mode and watched the tables populating the fields properly but after the insert statement still the values for those 2 new fields are not updated.

After struggling for 30 mins, finally gave up and did an AOS restart and there you go! the values now get updated

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