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Старый 30.08.2014, 19:16   #1  
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atinkerersnotebook: Part Two of Introduction To Dynamics AX Now Available As Premium Content On Dynamics AX Companions

A month or so ago I released out the chapters for the first part of the Introduction To Dynamics AX to all of the Premium subscribers on the Dynamics AX website. Recently I have had a couple of requests to make the second part of the book available as downloadable chapters as well, so I did just that.

If you want to see all of the additional content that is available then just click on the following link:

Here is a summary of the book

Dynamics AX is such a full featured product, it is hard to illustrate all of the things that it is capable of tracking and managing without creating a textbook style book. Even then, it is hard to piece everything together with all of the detail that is provided, and even then, you probably are not interested in most of the detail.

A better starting point for you as you are discovering an exploring Dynamics AX is to get a more holistic view of the application showing all of the different general features that are available. Knowing that something is possible within Dynamics AX is 90% the battle, learning how it does it is a relatively simple after that.

Chapters that are included in this book include:

  • Product Management
  • Order To Cash
  • Sales & Marketing
  • Operations
  • Planning & Forecasting
  • Procure To Pay
  • Project Management
  • Service Management
  • Finance
  • Human Resources
This companion for Dynamics AX is designed to do just that. It is a high level reference that you can use to see what you can do if you want to leverage the many features within the system.

DISCLAIMER: If you know what an Action Pane is, or know what is contained within Fast Tabs, then this book is not for you. You are already too advanced with Dynamics AX. If you have never seen Dynamics AX before then this book may be what you are looking for.

If you are not a premium member then you can see what you are missing out on by checking out the first chapter of the Introduction To Dynamics AX book on the website. If you follow this link then you will be able to download the first chapter just by registering on the site (with no commitment):

If you want to check out the book on Amazon, then here are the links:



Remember: If you don’t have a physical Kindle then there is a desktop version, and a client for all of the tablets that allows you to read all of the kindle books.  If you haven’t seen them before then here is a link:

Amazon Not Fast Enough? If you are in a region that is not sourced very well by Amazon, and you need a copy now then you can download the eBook directly from the Dynamics AX Companions website as well. Just look in your account management section of the website and purchase the Introduction To Dynamics AX eBook Download subscription. This will allow you to download the complete book as a PDF.

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