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Старый 09.11.2010, 19:10   #1  
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Dynamics AX Sustained Engineering: Compatibility Result for Microsoft Application Virtualization - November 2010

Dynamics AX Sustained Engineering Team is pleased to announce the compatibility of Microsoft Application Virtualization with Dynamics AX 2009 Client.

Microsoft Application Virtualization is the Desktop Virtualization tool provided for all Microsoft Operating System. It enables organizations to respond to the challenge of virtualization by providing the capability to make application available to end-user computers without having to install the application directly on those computers. It also provides great deployment and maintenance capabilities using Microsoft System Center Configuration Center 2007.

The version App-V 4.6 supports:

- 32-bit and 64-bit mode for Microsoft Operating System

- Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7

- Windows Server 2003 RTM and R2 and Windows Server 2008 RTM and R2

- Office 2007 and 2010

Please note that Microsoft Outlook should be installed in 32-bit mode on the 64-bit Windows OS to integrate smoothly with Dynamics Ax 2009 Client.

Regarding the virtualization of the Microsoft Dynamics Ax 2009 Server (AOS), App-V is not supported and we recommend Microsoft Hyper-V feature from Microsoft Windows Server.

You can find the software and hardware requirements as well as the best practices and white papers on the Microsoft TechNet:

For further information, feel free to contact


Dynamics AX Sustained Engineering Team

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