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Старый 06.10.2009, 02:05   #1  
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AX UK: Scribe Data Migration and Integration with Microsoft Dynamics AX

All, late heads up on a Scribe webinar that might be of interest to a number of you.

With Scribe Insight and the new Scribe Adapter for Dynamics AX you can migrate your customers to Dynamics AX- faster and cheaper, as well as offer your customers greater integration capabilities with web stores, legacy applications, suppliers and CRM. Scribe Insight is the one tool you can use across technologies such as Dynamics APIs, XML, web services and ODBC and requires no coding- thus providing your customers with sophisticated integrated Dynamics solutions at a reasonable cost. Join this webinar to see a detailed product demonstration and an overview of the Scribe Partner Program. The webinar will conclude with a Q&A session.

You can register for the event here

Agenda for the Data Integration for Dynamics AX Webinars
6 October 16:00 CET (10:00AM EST US)

Scribe Software Overview
Scribe Insight & Adapter for Dynamics AX – Product Overview
Demonstration – Data Integration for Dynamics AX
Product Roadmap
Scribe Partner Program/Benefits

Posted By Fee Nolan

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