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Старый 30.11.2011, 23:11   #1  
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axinthefield: Dynamics AX Premier Field Engineering Team Is Hiring

If you've read some of my latest posts, you already know what we look for in Premier Field Engineers, and you even know the questions you'll get asked and how to answer them. (OK - we might have to change up the questions a little bit. If I notice you reading off the answers during the interview, I may suspect something is up). We're looking for highly talented, highly motivated folks to join our team where you will get to work on the most complex, interesting customer accounts and where you can become the renowned expert in your field. We are looking for candidates all across the world, but specifically I'm looking for candidates in North America (if you are interested in working outside North America, I'll refer you to my colleagues). You can work from pretty much anywhere, as long as you have a decent Internet connection and the ability to get to an airport when you're needed at a customer site.

Here are some of the highlights of what's in it for you if you'd like to come aboard the good ship Premier Field Engineering:

  • You will be paid in real US or Canadian dollars
  • You will receive at least 1 all expenses paid (within reason) trip to beautiful Fargo, ND per year
  • You will get to work with the foremost experts in Dynamics AX in the world including
    • The Dynamics Product team - folks from Seattle, Fargo and Copenhagen, Denmark who are building the product
    • Our partner teams in Consulting and Support who have great breadth and depth on the technology
    • Our Premier Field Engineering colleagues throughout the globe who are "the" experts on our stack technologies - SQL, Windows, SharePoint, etc.
    • Our direct team which features Dynamics AX experts you've heard from here on the blog, like Rod Hansen, Dave Phillips, Siva Jammalamadaka, Tom Stumpf and Mike Kensok
  • Training is a priority for our team and you will absolutely be given time to attend the training needed to stay sharp
If you're interested in a role, drop me a note or, better yet, apply online. Here's the link to apply for the role: The location says Fargo, ND, but that's inaccurate - we're looking for the best candidates wherever they might be.

Eric Newell

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