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Старый 04.10.2011, 01:12   #1  
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Microsoft Dynamics CRM Team Blog: Released: ‘Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Unleashed’

CWR Mobility, the leading provider of mobility solutions for Microsoft Dynamics® CRM, announced today that a new book published by Pearson will prominently feature the advanced mobility solution from CWR Mobility. The announcement comes as the extreme 2011 Las Vegas conference for Microsoft Dynamics CRM partners gets under way in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Unleashed, written by Marc Wolenik, is a start-to-finish guide for planning, customizing, deploying, integrating, managing, and securing Microsoft's brand-new Dynamics CRM 2011. The book is fully updated to reflect Dynamics CRM 2011 hosted/SaaS deployment, Azure cloud services, SharePoint Foundation integration, and the Microsoft Dynamics Marketplace. In addition the book includes new chapters on mobility, the Outlook client, and Office 2010.

The book discusses CWR Mobile CRM 2011, its components and how they are used, and the advantages of its cross-platform architecture and native rich clients. It features screen shots of CWR Mobile CRM 2011 smart clients on iPhone®, iPad®, BlackBerry® and Windows® Phone mobile platforms, as well as its Mobile Configurator, the mobile administration interface which integrates seamlessly into Dynamics CRM 2011. Among the features depicted in the screen shots is the brand new Mobile Dashboards feature introduced by CWR Mobility on September 8th, 2011.

“As the market adoption curve for mobility accelerates, customers are looking for assistance and tools to help them define their Mobile CRM strategy and implementation plans, so the time was right to feature mobility in the book,” said Marc Wolenik, the book’s author and CEO of Webfortis, LLC. “Reflecting its status as the innovation leader in Dynamics CRM mobility, the advanced mobility solution from CWR Mobility was the obvious choice to feature prominently in this important new chapter added in this new edition of the book.”

“Customers who are looking for innovative ways to get and stay closer to their customers will benefit from reading Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Unleashed,” said Mark H. Corley, CEO of CWR Mobility, the global Microsoft Partner of the Year for Mobility Business-to-Business Applications for both 2011 and 2010. “Mobility is one of the hottest conversations in CRM today, and this book will prove helpful to customers who want to learn how they can extend Microsoft Dynamics CRM to their mobile devices.”

For more information on Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Unleashed, please visit the book page: An excerpt from the book, the chapter featuring CWR Mobile CRM 2011, is available on the CWR Mobility website at

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