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Старый 18.04.2007, 00:11   #1  
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casperkamal: A simple utility for Dynamics Ax

Some days back i had to come up with a document containing the path of several forms in the navigation pane.I was bit lazy to type the path of every form, thought should have a simple utilty that can give me the path at a click. Finally i came up with one in about some half an hour :)
Here is the utility guys.... 
   Job Get Current Path (Click to download)
and this is how it works,
1. select the Node from the navigation pane

2. Run this Job,

3. You get a dialog box.  The dialog box asks for a value to replace with..  you can specify the symbol that you want to use in specifying path (specify "->" for "General Ledger -> Chart of Accounts", specify "\" for  "General Ledger\Chart of Accounts") of your choice in the dialog box. The default value is " -> ".

4. You will get the path dislpayed in the infolog, copy and paste it in the document  
    Though it is a simple job, it helped me a lot...... try out for yourself
......................mmm I made my functional gusy happy finally

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