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Старый 27.08.2008, 10:42   #1  
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Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 “Day in the Life” Benchmark
Кому интересно - на Partnersource недавно появился бенчмарк для AX2009
Методика тестирования расписана очень подробно (аж до настройки предварительного выделения в номерных сериях)

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 “Day in the Life” Benchmarks hits 322,000 Lines Per Hour across 2250 Concurrent Users and 40 Batch Processing Threads

In June 2008, Microsoft Corporation conducted a Day in the Life benchmark on Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2009 to measure the performance and scalability characteristics of Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2009 in a simulated distribution scenario. The benchmark showcases Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2009’s superior ability to handle various specialized loads concurrently without compromising performance and scalability on critical business processes.

The Benchmark exercises a plethora of functional scenarios across different Client and Integration technologies, thereby exercising ERP Scenarios through ground breaking Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2009 Technology platform. This benchmark exercised Core Accounts Receivables Scenarios around order entry through invoicing, Procure to Pay processes around purchase order creation through receiving of goods, Quotation management, Item Arrivals and Payment processing using Rich Client simulation. Through the Sharepoint based Enterprise Portal Expense reports were created and managed through the approval cycle. Application Integration Framework was used to load General Journals and Sales Orders into the system. Batch processing using Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2009 Headless Asynchronous Batch Server was used to post General Journals and Invoicing of the Sales Orders received thru AIF. The scenarios generate load on an Application Object Server (AOS)—in this benchmark, some of the AOS servers configured with 2 Logical AOS instances while also working in a cluster setup.

With this concurrent workload, the database server shows ability to scale up to a 32 Core, 128 GB Server, while providing proof of ability to scale up on the Application Object Server (AOS) Layer. User Experience was well below 2 to 3 Seconds for most intensive posting operations and line save operations showcased sub second response times on average. Without exhibiting locking behavior, the benchmark showcases 322,470+ Lines per hour for these concurrent scenarios.
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 “Day in the Life” Benchmark
-ТСЯ или -ТЬСЯ ?
За это сообщение автора поблагодарили: mazzy (2), gl00mie (5).
benchmark, download, полезное, производительность, статьи, ax2009


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