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Старый 28.05.2003, 12:52   #1  
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? Intercompany in AXAPTA 3.0
Сначала цитата из документации:

Many companies have several subsidiaries, plants, or warehouses, which often means that purchases of items to be used in production or shipped to customers are done through vendors within the same company or distribution network. The intercompany feature handles the internal trade in companies, which have more than one subsidiary or warehouse in more than one location. Sales and purchase orders are transferred automatically between the intercompany trade partners using the document transfer methods from the Commerce Gateway feature.


The intercompany solution requires that all companies are located in the same physical database on the same physical server. Domain license is required if control across companies is necessary. Furthermore, the Commerce Gateway feature must be installed.

Это что, предлагается всю сбытовую сеть посадить за одну аксапту на одном сервере??? В чём сокровенный смысл?
Кто нибудь разбирался с этим модулем? Может прокоментировать ситуацию?

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