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Старый 04.03.2019, 17:11   #1  
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a33ik: Adjust tax value using X++ code

Adjust tax value of purchase invoice. commonLine could be either MarkupTrans or VendInvoiceInfoLine.
static void VKTaxRegulation(Args _args){ PurchTotals purchTotals; TaxPurch taxPurch; VendInvoiceInfoTable vendInvoiceInfoTable; MarkupTrans commonLine; //VendInvoiceInfoLine commonLine; TaxRegulation taxRegulation; select firstOnly vendInvoiceInfoTable where vendInvoiceInfoTable.Num == "VKTest10"; purchTotals = PurchTotals::newParmTable( vendInvoiceInfoTable, PurchUpdate::All, AccountOrder::None, vendInvoiceInfoTable.ParmId, '', vendInvoiceInfoTable.Ordering); purchTotals.calc(); taxPurch =; select commonLine where commonLine.RecId == 5637172328; taxRegulation = TaxRegulation::newTaxRegulation( taxPurch, null, commonLine.TableId, commonLine.RecId ); taxRegulation.allocateAmount(22); taxRegulation.saveTaxRegulation(); info('done');}

Adjust tax value for purchase order:static void VKTaxRegulationPO(Args _args){ PurchTable purchTable; PurchLine purchLine; TaxRegulation taxRegulation; purchTable = PurchTable::find('VK-001113'); purchLine = PurchLine::find('VK-001113'); taxRegulation = TaxRegulation::newTaxRegulation( PurchTotals::getTax(purchTable), null, tableNum(PurchLine), purchLine.RecId ); if(taxRegulation) { taxRegulation.allocateAmount(12); taxRegulation.saveTaxRegulation(); }}

In order to process VAT adjustments at line level, the country region should be added to the list of Consolidation Countries.


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