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Старый 08.06.2011, 02:11   #1  
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Microsoft Dynamics CRM Team Blog: Get quick answers to some of your frequently asked questions

When you’ve been reading Microsoft Dynamics CRM product documentation—the Help, articles, the SDK—you might have noticed there’s a feature at the bottom of each for sending us feedback or questions.

The e-mails you send are sent directly to the writers and editors who develop content to support Microsoft Dynamics CRM. We can’t provide technical support, but we can answer a ton of questions you throw at us.  Because we’ve been doing this for a while, we know the most commonly asked questions. Lo and behold, these are now compiled in “Frequently asked questions from Microsoft Dynamics CRM customers” (Online version; On-Premise version). I know, we’re geniuses.

Let me know what you think.


Carola Klass

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