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Старый 15.04.2011, 13:11   #1  
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workflowax: Business Connector code refresh

While developing business connector applications you may come across issues where you code changes in AX do not seem to be taking effect or the caching is taking too long to refresh. I’ve tried restarting the AOS, restarting IIS, restarting Application pools even restarting the entire server and nothing seemed to have helped. However, an easy way to ensure that your changes are always available to the business connector code is to add the following line at the beginning of your .NET code, after loggin in, but before executing your custom code:
DynAx.CallStaticClassMethod(“SysFlushAOD”, “doFlush”);

(where DynAx is a logged in instance of Microsoft.Dynamics.BusinessConnectorNet.Axapta)

I hope that helps someone.

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