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Старый 13.01.2010, 11:49   #1  
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На Partnersource (доступно партнерам) появился интересный документ.

Hosting Guide featuring best practices for successfully hosting Microsoft Dynamics NAV
The decision to host an ERP such as Microsoft Dynamics NAV cannot be taken lightly, and therefore thorough analysis is often necessary. There are many flavors of hosting-models to adopt, ranging from a traditional collocation contract at a data center to a modern delivery method, such as software-as-a-service (SaaS). Get more insight into the different hosting models and best practices in this guide, which is primarily aimed at ISVs, VARs, and Hosting Partners who plan on hosting Microsoft Dynamics NAV or end users who would like to understand what it means to have their Microsoft Dynamics NAV platform hosted, rather than located on their premises.

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