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Старый 09.10.2009, 03:17   #1  
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Arijit Basu: Microsoft Dynamics Salary Survey 2009

A Dynamics Salary Survey from NIGEL FRANK.

Nigel Frank International would like to invite you to complete what is to be our annual survey of Microsoft Dynamics salaries worldwide. The survey will only take a couple of minutes to complete and your response and any personal details will be kept strictly confidential. The survey is available in the following languages for your convenience; English, German, French, Dutch, Danish, Spanish, Italian, Norwegian, and Finnish. As a thank-you for your contribution we will send you a PDF report of the results once they have been compiled. This will give you an insight into the salaries, opinions and demographics of your Microsoft Dynamics counterparts worldwide. Please find a link to the Microsoft Dynamics Salary Survey 2009 below:

Microsoft Dynamics Salary Survey 2009

Your response will be greatly appreciated and will help to give everyone in the Microsoft Dynamics community a greater understanding of their profession.

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