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stoneridgesoftware: How to use a Query Range Status on a Filterable Grid Field in Dynamics AX
Источник: https://stoneridgesoftware.com/how-t...n-dynamics-ax/

I had a recent request to make a field filterable on a grid in Dynamics AX.

I checked the form control and saw that the field was coming directly from the datasource. So I checked the usual properties… Allow edit was no on the control and the datasource. Skip was no on both the control and the datasource. I noticed the auto declaration was no, so I wasn’t initially expecting it to be changed in the code.

A quick find for refnum in the code and I noticed the below change:

They used the range status of hidden to limit the ability to filter on the field. Cool! Something I’ve not used before and wanted to share!

Источник: https://stoneridgesoftware.com/how-t...n-dynamics-ax/
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