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lcs: February release notes
Источник: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/lcs/archive/...ase-notes.aspx

The Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services team is happy to announce the immediate availability of the February release of Lifecycle Services.

This release saw the addition of 4 all new features and 52 bug fixes.


  • Improved user interface, text, and navigation
  • Mark new/changed components as not gaps in business processes
  • Launch AX 2012 from a business process
  • Search issues by an AOT path
  • Microsoft Dynamics ERP RapidStart projects may now be created from Lifecycle Services.


  • Issues which prevented the upload of .AXBPM files into Business process modeler.
  • Dependency on an outside authentication system which caused service disruptions.
  • Terminal Services was not being correctly sized by Usage profiler.
  • Batch processes that cross over a day boundary were not displayed correctly in Usage summary charts.
  • Batch processes with recurrence type "greater than Hours" would not upload from the Excel upload tool.
  • Addition of many previously uncatalogued bugs into Issue search.

Источник: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/lcs/archive/...ase-notes.aspx
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