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Запись от Logger размещена 08.09.2015 в 16:38
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    Axapta comman-line parameters
    Publicado 17 enero, 2008 | Por admin

    Una de las cosas que posee axapta y que poca gente conoce son los parametros internos que se puden utilizar para evitar el control de latencia entre cliente y aos. Evitar el trafico udp que controla la conexion por si nuestra red esta saturada y no cumple con el minimo de latencia. He incluso parametros para la conexion con aos, simular un ancho de banda. Recompilar la aplicación controlar el numero de cursores y el timpo de una consulta etc.
    The Internal command-line parameters

    Axapta has a number of command-line parameters which extends the formal and documented list of parameters. All of these takes the form -INTERNAL=something, where something denotes the flavor of the parameter. Below is a list of parameters maintained by the BackOffice Feature Team (links to whitepapers appear where appropriate):

    -INTERNAL=NOCURSORREUSE Disable the SQL cursor reuse mechanism. Hurts performance, improves easy of tracing/debugging -INTERNAL=COMMENTS Insert comments in the generated SQL showing the values of placeholders.

    -INTERNAL=RELAXEDONTTSLEVEL Suppress the TTS level checking. Should only be used with care. -INTERNAL=RELAXEDONUPDATE Suppress the checks on updates, and deletes (manipulating data which was not seleted locked) -INTERNAL=UNIQUEINDEXES Force all Axapta indexes to be created unique (i.e. by appending the RecId column to the index). Requires the database to be re-indexed to be applied to the database. -INTERNAL=SYSLASTVALUE Make the table SysLastValue be stored in Axapta internal storage (as opposed to the SQL database). For backward compatibility only. -INTERNAL=SYSLASTVALUECACHE:cacheMode Overrule the default caching method on the system table SysLastValue. Default is 3 (“NotFound”), valid values 0 through 3. Used for testing and debugging purposes only.

    -INTERNAL=MONOCASE Simulate the way the Oracle-version handles indexed fields, i.e. lower (“mono”) case the data. Used for testing and debugging purposes only. -INTERNAL=NODATAAREAID Simulate the “SavePerCompany” table property to be “FALSE” on all tables. To be used in benchmarking.

    -INTERNAL=NOSYNCTABLELOCK Don’t apply exclusive tablelock on a table being synchronized.

    Command-line parameters

    The parameters described below may be given on the command line that starts up the system. Most of these parameters can and should be set up in the Microsoft Axapta Configuration Utility.

    -allowunauth When using Windows Authentication, this option enables users that do not pass the authentication process to be allowed logging in using user name and password (traditional Axapta logon sequence). If not enabled, users will be rejected if not authenticated.
    -aol=<s> ?aol” is an acronym for “Application Object Layer”. Valid layers are: sys, syp, gls, glp, dis, dip, los, lop, bus, bup, var, vap, cus, cup, usr and usp.
    -aolcode=<s> Access code for –aol.
    -aos=hostort Connect to the AOS running at given port number on specified host.
    Host is either a DNS hostname (for example or an IP address (
    The port number is the number specified for the AOS instance that should be connected to. No instance name needs to be specified because only one instance can be running at a given port on a given machine.
    Using this option will connect the client directly to the AOS using TCP traffic only and bypass the initial search for the AOS and thereby eliminates the need for networking that supports UDP traffic. This eases firewall configuration and NAT appliances
    -aos=instance@host Connect to the specified AOS instance running at the specified host machine.
    Instance is the name (for example ‘Axapta’), and host is DNS name or IP address of the machine running the AOS.
    Specifying -aos=MyAOS@MyHost equals setting -servermask=MyAOS and -internet=MyHost (or specifying these in corresponding fields on the server tab in the Configuration Utility).
    -aos=ad(<adsn>) Use Active Directory integration. <adsn> is the “Active Directory Server Name” to search the Active Directory for.
    Same as “By name – find a specific AOS” in the Axapta Configuration Utility
    -aos=adbrowse Use Active Directory integration.
    Search the Active Directory for “Active Directory Server Names” in User objects and Organizations Units.
    Same as “By organization – browse for per-user or per-organizational specific AOS” in the Axapta Configuration Utility
    -aos=ad Use Active Directory integration – search the Active Directory for any AOS.
    Same as “Simple – find any AOS” in the Axapta Configuration Utility
    -applexclusive The application files are opened in exclusive mode.
    Note –applexclusive and –applshare cannot both be given.
    If you do give both, the one given last on the command line will take effect. You will not get any error messages.
    -application=<s> Specify the name of the Axapta application.
    Default: Standard
    -applshare The application files are opened in shared mode. This is default.
    Note –applexclusive and –applshare cannot both be given.
    If you do give both, the one given last on the command line will take effect. You will not get any error messages.
    -broadcast= xx.xx.xx.xx Specify a broadcast address to be used in –CLIENT mode. A request is sent to all the broadcast addresses to obtain identification of the available application servers. The address consists of four decimal values between zero and 255 separated by dots.
    -bwsim=<speed>:<latency> where <speed> states the bandwidth simulated (in bytes per second).
    The <latency> is specified as a number designating number of ms spent for communication round trip (the fixed overhead (time used) the network applies to sending a package to the server and receive one back).
    Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=128
    Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=128
    Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=128
    Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms
    Pinging [X.Y.Z.20] with 32 bytes of data:
    Reply from X.Y.Z.20: bytes=32 time=78ms TTL=115
    Reply from X.Y.Z.20: bytes=32 time=125ms TTL=115
    Reply from X.Y.Z.20: bytes=32 time=62ms TTL=115
    Reply from X.Y.Z.20: bytes=32 time=63ms TTL=115
    Ping statistics for X.Y.Z.20:
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 62ms, Maximum = 125ms, Average = 82ms
    The average in the last line of the two samples above is the one to specify as . For ISDN direct connected lines the latency will be approx. 30ms. For 10Mbps LAN, the latency is 5-10ms. Internet based communication will present a wide range of latencies from <30ms to well above 350ms (for satellite based connectivity).
    -client Connect to an AOS and run as a three-tier thin client. Use -aos= to specify which AOS.
    -client = thin Connect to an AOS and run as a three-tier thin client. Use -aos= to specify which AOS.
    -client = fat Connect to an AOS and run as a three-tier fat client. Use -aos= to specify which AOS.
    -company=<s> Select initial company <s>.
    Default: dat
    -connectionidletimeout=<seconds> Set the time in seconds to leave an idle database connection open before closing it. Shorter idle time will decrease database server and Axapta memory usage, but will potentially cause time-consuming re-logins on the fly.
    Default: 60 seconds is the default for Microsoft SQL Server, 30 minutes the default for Oracle.
    -createdsn=microsoftsqlserver or
    -createdsn=oracle Have the data source created automatically in the ODBC manager.
    -createdsn_tcpipport=<integer> TCP/IP port number required for Oracle. This parameter is relevant only when -createdsn=oracle is given. The parameter is ignored if given with -createdsn=microsoftsqlserver.
    -database=<s> Use database <s> when connecting to the database server.
    Default: The default option is to use the database set in the ODBC driver.
    -DBCLI Runs Axapta in either ODBC or OCI mode. -DBCLI=ODBC is the default.
    -dbserver=<s> Use server <s> during login.
    Default: The default option is to use the server set in the ODBC driver.
    -dbunicodeenabled=0 | 1 Initialize database for Unicode
    -directory=<s> Specify the Axapta root-directory .
    -doclanguage=<s> Use this option if you would like to have the documentation in a different language than the one used in menus and dialogs.
    will give you the documentation in Danish.
    Default: The default is that the documentation language is identical to the language used in the system.
    This is set by the
    -language option.
    -dsn=<s> Use ODBC driver data source <s>.
    Default: BMSDSN
    -FEATUREKEYSYSTEM The security key system is ON by default.Use this parameter to enable the old featurekey system.
    -fetchahead=<n> A maximum of <n> records retrieved from the database at a time.
    Default: 100
    -hint=<n> Apply database dependent SQL hint(s).
    Default: Empty for default settings.
    INTERNAL=RELAXEDSYNTAX The 3.0 kernel defaults to ‘strict’ syntax. For previous versions, use this parameter to ease restrictions on strict syntax.
    -internet=<s> Specify an Internet address to be used in –CLIENT mode. A request is sent to all the Internet addresses to obtain identification of the available Object servers.
    -job=<s> Run external job <s> prior to any other database-related action during startup.
    Default: The default is not to run a job.
    -language=<s> Select language <s> for the user interface.
    Default: Language must be selected during setup.
    -log=<s> Name the SQL error log file (may include a full drive and path specification).
    Default: AxaptaError.Log in the standard Axapta log-directory.
    -logdir=<s> Use an alternative directory for the log files generated when you compile, import or export in Axapta.
    Default: The default is that the log files are generated in the Log folder.
    -noauto Use this parameter to bypass system related application calls made by the Axapta kernel. This includes the ability to bypass startup code, and some timer based calls. This parameter will allow you to startup Axapta in order to fix problems that were introduced in the application code. Normally these problems would prevent you from starting Axapta. For example, if code is introduced in the startup method that causes Axapta to go into infinite loop, and therefore, never finishes the startup procedure, . To change this, start with the –NOAUTO switch, correct the code and restart without the –NOAUTO to have the startup code included again.
    -opencursors=<n> A maximum of <n> database cursors are kept open per connection for cursor reuse.
    Default: 90 cursors
    -port=<integer> TCP port for the AOS
    -preloadthresholdmsec=<milliseconds> Time used for preloading. For example, -preloadthresholdmsec=3000 results in the issue of a warning whenever preloading exceeds 3000 milliseconds. This value can not be specified per user in Tools, Options, SQL, Warnings. This threshold is only activated when warnings are enabled.
    -preloadthresholdrecords=<records> Number of records preloaded. For example, -preloadthresholdrecords=300 results in the issue of a warning whenever preloading exceeds 300 records. This value can not be specified per user in Tools, Options, SQL, Warnings. This threshold is only activated when warnings are enabled.
    -querytimelimit =<milliseconds> Save queries running longer than a given number of milliseconds to file. If the value of QuerytimeLimit is zero (0), which is the default, no queries are logged. This parameter supports directing output to a table, i.e. SysTraceTable (default is disk-file). Use -QUERYTIMELIMIT=ms for tracing all SQL statements exceeding the ms milliseconds threshold and -QUERYTIMELIMIT=TABLE:ms to do the same to table.
    -regconfig=<name> Use a Registry configuration called <name>.
    A configuration can be created using the Axapta Configuration Utility.
    -regimport=<file name> Import a configuration to the Registry.
    The import is performed prior to the evaluation of any other options. This means that you can import a configuration using –regimport and then select it using –regconfig.
    -repair Any non-zero value will force a re-synchronization of SQL system tables during startup. The use of this command-line parameter is logged in the Event log.
    Use this option to handle situations when problems in SQL system tables prevent Axapta from starting, for example missing indexes.
    -retry <n> Delay in seconds before re-executing after a deadlock.
    Default: 5 seconds
    -securityprovider=<s> Selects the security provider to use with Windows Authentication and is only relevant for Object Server configuration.
    For AOS running on Windows NT the only valid option is “NTLM” which provides authentication based on the NTLM security provider.
    For Windows 2000 systems ‘Kerberos’ is also a valid security provider.
    For Windows 2000 networks with solely Windows 2000 servers and clients ‘Negotiate’ is also an option. This will elect the best suitable security provider automatically.
    -serveridletimeout=<seconds> Specifies how long (in seconds) the AOS instance should be allowed to be running without servicing clients.
    When this timeout expires without having clients connected, the instance will be shut down automatically.
    This option is well suited to be combined with setting instance startup mode to OnDemand making the server auto-start upon request from client and shutdown when no clients need service for at given amount of time.
    -servermask=<s> Specify the mask <s> for selecting a subset of object servers when running in CLIENT mode. if this option is not specified, and multiple object servers are found, all available object servers will be presented in a selection box.
    -share Share label and identifier files between several applications. if not specified, the files will not be shared.
    -singleuser Run the program in single user mode.
    -sqlbuffer=<n> Set the upper limit in Kbytes of the fixed internal data retrieval buffer.
    Default: 24 Kbytes
    -sqlcomplexliterals=<n> About literals and placeholders.
    Setting sqlcomplexliterals to the value 1 enables this feature, the value 0 disables this feature.
    -sqlformliterals=<n> About literals and placeholders.
    Setting sqlformliterals to the value 1 enables this feature, the value 0 disables this feature.
    -sqloraclefirstrowsfix=<n> Oracle Versions 8.05, 8.06 and 8.15 occasionally selects a poor query plan for queries using the Axapta keyword firstFast row. The symptom is that an index matching the order by specification is preferred, even though another index much better serves the where part and the number of rows returned is small.
    Axapta includes a workaround for this problem, which you should only enable if you have verified that the above problem is the cause for poor performance. The Axapta Query Analyzer can be used for detecting this.
    A value of 1 enables this work around, a value of 0 disables this feature.
    -sqlparm=<s> Add additional parameters <s> upon database login. The format follows the ODBC standard: “key1=value1;key2=value2”.
    An example:
    Default: The default is no additional parameters.
    -sqlpwd=<s> Use password <s> upon login to the SQL database.
    Default: bmssa_pwd
    -sqltrace Invoke SQL statement tracing to log file or table. Use -SQLTRACE for tracing all generated SQL statements to file and -SQLTRACE=TABLE to do the same to table.
    Default: No tracing.
    -sqluser=<s> Use user name <s> during login to the SQL database.
    Default: bmssa
    -startupmsg=<s> Text to be displayed during Axapta startup.
    -startupcmd=MyCommand A string that is passed to Axapta and can be used to have your own startup commands executed. The string is passed in the calls
    “appl” and “info” are instantiated objects of the application classes Application and Info respectively. The application classes are inherited from the system classes xApplication and xInfo.
    Learn more in the Developer’s Guide. You can access the guide from Axapta’s Help menu.
    -useis Use integrated security during SQL database login and thus disabling values set by using parameters –sqluser and –sqlpwd.
    -user=<s> Log on as user <s>.
    -useserverprinters Have the client direct all printing to the printer connected to the server.
    -warnings Enable various run-time warnings which are logged to a file, or table. Use -WARNINGS to trace all developer warnings to file and -WARNINGS=TABLE to trace all warnings to a table. Default: No warnings.
    -windowsauth=[0|1] This option disables/enables Windows Authentication which, when enabled, is providing Single Sign-On and Authentication of client machine account and the user logging in.
    Запись от Logger размещена 30.01.2017 в 15:07 Logger is offline

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